Monday, January 26, 2009

Animoto Video - Remix

My first Animoto video came out pretty good. But, if you know me, you know it is never finished, and same with this video. Back into Animoto and do a remix. Rearrange slides, new music, emphasize this and that and click the magic Animoto Remix button - PRESTO: an all new remixed Animoto video from the same pictures but with a completely different look and sound. Holly pixel pushers, buddy, this is great.

By the way, I went for the business membership, and it is really worth it. I get unlimited hi-rez downloads of the videos. They look great not just on my 24" monitors, but on the family's 51" HDTV!!! Yup, I downloaded both the .mp4 (about 30MB, runs in Quicktime) and the .iso (DVD image file you can use to burn your own DVD that will play in your DVD/Blu-Ray player).

The hi-resolution video on the HDTV looks good, but it doesn't look like the 1080p I am spoiled with from cable and Blu-Ray. Don't get me wrong, it is fun to watch, especially with the volume up loud enough to make my wife come downstairs and tell me to turn it down. But then she got into it too...

Compare this remixed video to the video I posted yesterday. Notice how the transitions are completely different to match the new music, and how the process seems to recognize images of a similar style and treats them in a similar style. I am impressed.

Gary Brown

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